It’s quite challenging to get everything right during a crisis. And communication is extra vulnerable when we cannot physically be together and communicate effectively without the million interruptions that come from working from home. Let’s face it: No one is at their A-game and collaboration can get tricky.

One audience that tends to fall through the cracks of communication is the internal audience. Whether it’s your staff, your family members, or RAs at residence halls that suddenly closed, it’s easy to forget that critical conversation.

Let’s cut each other some slack and recognize that miscommunication or lack thereof is not always intentional. And, human behavior indicates that we neglect the people closest to us when we’re overwhelmed, tired, and anxious.

So, let’s be mindful and remember to always communicate with our internal folks. Other than providing them with transparency and trust, they bring a lot of value, insight, and support which only means a stronger front and foundation.

If we learned anything from this pandemic, there is no such thing as over-communication when it comes to the well-being of a community.