There are three foundational components to great websites: design, content, and technology. If you’re missing one then, believe me, your users will notice. The Michigan League of Conservation Voters (MLCV) had a strong handle on content, so when we developed a website for their education fund, we focused on nailing the design and tech.
We built the site from MLCV’s preexisting brand, which would be a taxing process if the brand wasn’t well conceptualized. Luckily, that wasn't the case.
Put your money where your brand is
This project was a testament to the importance of investing in a strong brand. Even the most experienced designers will struggle with low-quality assets. A good brand will save you money by preventing a designer from applying dozens and dozens of adjustments to accommodate any given project.
Here are some brand aspects that helped make this particular web design process more effective:
- MLCV’s logo system was logical, and I had every format, colorway, and filetype I needed.
- Their beautiful, web-friendly typography was enforced by a rigid ruleset, which made decision-making quick and easy.
- Harmonious colors meant no tweaking was necessary to make them accessible for the web.
It’s a distinct pleasure to work with a well-designed brand. Not only is the process smoother, but I always learn something new about how other designers approach problems. It widens the way I look at things.
A project with our name on it
When you live in a place surrounded by 20% of the world's fresh water, you can’t help but care about the health of the environment. We’re big fans of the Great Lakes (and clean water in general), so working with the Michigan League of Conservation Voters to build a website for their education fund was a win for us and the health of our beautiful state.
Here’s to a lifetime of intentional brands, clean fresh water, and virtuous clients.